Sunday, 27 February 2022

Why I need more warm up in winter?

It is important to keep your mind and body active by exercising every day. Only this can help us to live a happier and healthier life. Warming up is an important routine, no matter what the weather condition is. Many researchers have found that people become lazy when it comes to warmup especially during winters which makes the whole game change. Today many people are getting problems whether it is joint pain, obesity, or low immunity, etc. The warmup is very important, and one should do more during winters as it helps in increasing blood circulation, reducing injury risk to some extent, etc.
To know about the various reasons as to why one should need warmup exercises, the article has covered all the vital points that you should know-

So Why I need more warm up in winter


1. More energetic performance-

Have you ever been in a situation where you are getting late for the workout class and instead of warming up your body you are straight away following exercises? Well, it's wrong as muscles need attention because if you are feeling cold, the muscles do also, a proper warmup is necessary to perform energetic and active workout.

2. No muscle damage-

If you will start your exercises from warmup then you will find a difference. A warm muscle would react more promptly than cold muscles and this is where the chances of injury risk also get reduced. Warmth loosens and relaxes the muscles to protect the body from any kind of severe injury.

3. Different workouts to cherish your mood-

If you are someone who does not have the patience to warm out and straightly wants to attempt the exercise then there are a variety of warmups these days that can help with colder muscles. No matter how lazy you are during winters, the variety of warmups can help to cherish your mood and the performance of your body.

4. Warm up to increase blood circulation-

The other important reason why you need to do more warmup during cold weather is to increase the blood circulation. When you do some sort of warmup like walking, jogging, running it helps in increasing heart rate, blood circulates in the body, and protects your muscles from tears.

5. Boost physical and mental ability-

Warmup is not only about keeping your body in good shape or in killing obesity but in soothing your mind as well. The mind needs relaxation and it can be inherent from warmup like yoga, meditation, cycling, biking. All these activities can help in keeping physical and mental health intact.

6. Range of motion increases-

Regular warmup activity can put stress on large joints like shoulders and knees to reach their maximum movement potential. This reduces joint pain and other muscular problem during chilly winters.

7. Keep your heart healthy-

As the body requires warmup to regulate core temperature, the heart at the same time requires to work harder for pumping blood throughout the body. Without a proper warmup, one cannot keep their heart-healthy.

8. Intake good amount of Vitamin D-

During winters when people are scared to get out of their cozy bed and prefer to spend most of the time indoors doesn’t even know that lack of Vitamin D can weaken their muscles and due to which muscle pain is more likely to happen. That’s why it becomes more important for individuals to warm out outdoors and keep the muscles, ligaments strong. The natural sunlight work as Vitamin D that keeps you away from diseases and from the deficiencies.

9. Happier and more satisfying-

If you would warm up more in winters, you would more likely to get good satisfying results than in summers. During hot summers, you end up with sweat, hot sunny weather but working out during winters will channel your energy and feel happier.

To conclude-

Warming up is an important part of the answer to why I need more warm-up in winters is highlighted in the above article. The cold muscles are more likely to get injuries, problems in blood circulation that make the muscles not perform better and lessen flexibility in the body. Thus, to get a good shape of body, flexibility, and durability performance one should do more warm-up during winters. Looking for more information you can visit my website

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